GMP Committees
Meredith Sculpture Walk
The GMP Meredith Sculpture Walk (MSW) is celebrating it’s 12th year with the 2024-25 exhibit and is available year-round.
The outdoor, juried exhibition is committed to developing awareness and enjoyment of public art in Meredith. Over thirty-three sculptures are positioned in high visibility areas along Main Street, the Mill Falls Marketplace and, in the lakeside, Hesky and Scenic Parks. A self-guided Brochure/Walking Map is available in kiosks found at the entrance to Hesky and Scenic Park, the Courtyard on Main Street, in front of the Post Office and inside the courtyard at the Mill Fall Marketplace as well as Town Hall, the Meredith Library and various businesses throughout the walk.
Since the Sculpture Walk has so many features, we’ve created a page dedicated to it HERE.
Committee Chair: Bev Lapham
Members: Heidi Barrett-Kitchen, Michelle Brown, Lissa Goodby, Steven Hayden, Fred Huntress, Karen Jonash, Liz Lapham, Katheryn Rolfe, Janet Sanguedolce, Sandy Sullivan
Docents: Lissa Goodby, Chair; Tuffy Hamblet, Karen Jonash, Diane Lane, Liz Lapham, Sue Witham, Tony Sabutis
Ground Team: Bill Gartner – Leader; Steven Hayden, Fred Huntress, Ron Jonash, Andy Lane, Bev Lapham, John MacKinnon, Wendell Rizzo, Gus Fish, Dan Whitney
Design; Beautification
The Design Committee’s mission is continuous beautification of Meredith, while maintaining the Town’s unique character. In addition to many hours of planting and maintaining gardens and landscaped areas, it also includes Landscape Design Assistance, Façade and Site Improvements, volunteer park trail work in Swasey Park and Waukewan Highlands, improved access and parking for individuals with disabilities, and educational opportunities through the installation of interpretive elements in Swasey Park, in collaboration with the Meredith Parks & Recreation Department and Plymouth State University.
Projects range from design charrettes for Meredith Village Core Revitalization (2005) and Swasey Park (2016), to multiple façade and site improvements including tree planting and garden maintenance. Our various projects include design assistance for the Wicwas Grange in Meredith Center; design and labor for the Meredith Community Center Native Garden; plantings at Route 3/Town Docks and the Route 3/Route 106 traffic circle; the landscape design, plantings and maintenance of the ledges from Oak Street to Mill Street; façade improvement of the Phu Jee building; care and maintenance of the Welcome to Meredith sign; and design and construction of the Courtyard on Main Street. The Committee also oversaw the creation and installation of the Archie sculpture. Many of the Committee’s projects involve collaboration with the Town of Meredith and its various departments.
Many of the Beautification Sub-Committee’s projects involve collaboration with the Garden Club of Meredith which provides hundreds of volunteer hours every year planting, weeding, pruning, watering, and cleaning up the various spaces sponsored by GMP. Since 2009 110 trees have been paid for and planted by the GMP Beautification Fund. Recent projects include Interlakes High School greenspace along Rt 25 (cost-sharing with IL School District), Rtes. 3/25 corner, Chamber of Commerce on Rt 3 and retaining walls and landscaping at the Meredith Public Library rear entrance.
Committee Co-Chairs: Bill Gartner and Wendell Rizzo
Members: Andy Lane; Bev Lapham; Bob Manley; Brian Neidhardt; Ginny Lovett; Janine Neggers ; Jim McFarlin; Katheryn Rolfe; Michelle Brown; Nancy Lavigne; Pam Coburn; Paul Eldridge; Sandy Sullivan; Julie Rizzo
The Promotion Committee serves as the marketing arm of the GMP, the ‘Shop Local’ cheerleader of our local businesses and event coordinators for the community.
The group spearheads the Meredith Street Dance, held twice a year in June and September, drawing crowds of 500+. They produce the “Do the Loop” brochure highlighting Meredith businesses and services including multiple permanent signs along the docks and near public parking areas. In October, the Promotion Committee runs the “Spooktacular Scarecrow Contest” with 25+ businesses and organizations in Meredith putting their scariest, funniest, best business-related and historical scarecrows on display for the annual scarecrow contest. Come December they also string thousands of lights all along Main Street. In June 2023 they designed and purchased dozens of pole banners along Main Street to bring a cohesive look to Meredith.
The “Do the Loop” Sign and Brochure program promotes local businesses on Main Street and the surrounding area. Do the Loop Brochures are distributed in racks on the signs at the Meredith Town Docks, the Meredith Sculpture Walk kiosks and participating businesses.
Committee Co-Chairs: Becky Fuller & Bob Manley
Members: Casey Gerken, Lynn Leighton, Vicky Carty, Marilee Sundius, Paul Moreau, Vynnie Hale, Karen Thorndike, Amy Beliveau, Jeremy Noyes, Tom Witham, Jennie & Nils, Amy Grimm, Heather LaDue
Economic Development; Career Partnerships
Identifying affordable housing opportunities for the town of Meredith, bringing Main Street improvement suggestions to the town, stimulating investment in downtown property, and fostering a greater sense of community among residents.
Committee Co-chairs: Lindsay Weiner & Andrea Harper
Members: Bob Manley, Caroline Rockafellow, Chris Kelly, Nick Leighton, Ron Jonash, Lynn Leighton, Jeanie Forrester, Rusty McLear, Ted Fodero, Scott Crowder, Rebecca Barbaree, & Meredith Town Manager
Sub-Committee: Career Partnerships (which has its own segment)
Finance; Fundraising
The Finance committee chair is Dick Pendergast, CPA, co-chair Ted Fodero
Fundraising sub-committee Co-Chairs: Jeanie Forrester and Chris Kelly
Fundraising sub-committee Members: Dick Pendergast, Marilee Sundius, Lynn Leighton, Doreen Kelly, Andrea Harper, Katheryn Rolfe, Lynn Krautz, Monica Bennett, Cathy Sleeper, Michelle Brown, Heather LaDue, Tracy Johnson, Karin Nelson
Career Partnership
View the CPP Page by clicking this LINK
The Career Partnership Program (CPP) is an initiative co-sponsored by GMP and the Inter-lakes School District that provides students the opportunity to explore future career planning through job shadowing and internships and hands-on working experiences in and around Meredith.
In 2019, Career Partnership Program student, Ian McCabe, was awarded one of two scholarships handed out to NH high school seniors for $10,000, good towards any college tuition and a full paid week in Washington D.C. shadowing senators, sitting in a Supreme Court session and other activities. This was a result of his internship with State Senator Guida.
What is the difference between a job shadow and an internship?
A job shadow is short-term, usually a few hours or half a day. Students follow a local professional to observe a career of interest They are encouraged to ask questions about training, skills and tasks associated with that career. The purpose of this experience is to provide a snapshot of various career opportunities. An internship is a long-term (i.e. a semester), usually unpaid, experience. Juniors and Seniors are invited to schedule an internship at a local business of interest.
An internship has a set schedule each week and students participate in various functions within the business. Students make connections with the business community, gain knowledge and real-world experience in a job field of interest and may also earn high school credit.
How can individuals, organizations and businesses get involved?
• Speak to a high school class about your profession
• Offer to host a student for a one-day job shadow
• Offer to host a student for an internship
• Offer to host a volunteering student at your non-profit organization
• Promote your business at Student Employment Days in the spring at Inter-Lakes High School
• Become a sponsor of the Career Partnership Program
Committee Chair: Chris Kelly
CPP Director: Melisa Moore, M.Ed (603) 279-6162
CPP Advisory Commitee: Lindsay Weiner, Caroline Rockafellow, Nick Leighton, Holly Vieten, Amanda Downing, Amy Burke, Cathy Sleeper, Jeanie Forrester
News from the Design Committee