Community & Economic Development Committee Meeting

Identifying new market opportunities for economic development, revitalizing historic commercial buildings, and stimulating investment within  properties in Meredith, NH. Building economic growth within the community. The committee members of the […]

Promotions Committee Meeting

The Promotion Committee serves as the marketing arm of the GMP, the ‘Shop Local’ cheerleader of our local businesses and event coordinators for the community. The Promotions Committee is meeting […]

Design & Beautification Committee Meeting

The Design Committee has the goals of beautifying the Town of Meredith as well as improving the Town’s sense of place. The Design and Beautification Committee meets the second Tuesday […]

Community & Economic Development Committee Meeting

Identifying new market opportunities for economic development, revitalizing historic commercial buildings, and stimulating investment within  properties in Meredith, NH. Building economic growth within the community. The committee members of the […]

Board of Directors Meeting

Our Board of Directors meets every other month at Hermit Woods Winery upstairs. This is an invitation-only meeting; if you or your organization has an agenda item, please bring it […]

Promotions Committee Meeting

The Promotion Committee serves as the marketing arm of the GMP, the ‘Shop Local’ cheerleader of our local businesses and event coordinators for the community. The Promotions Committee is meeting […]

Design & Beautification Committee Meeting

The Design Committee has the goals of beautifying the Town of Meredith as well as improving the Town’s sense of place. The Design and Beautification Committee meets the second Tuesday […]

Community & Economic Development Committee Meeting

Identifying new market opportunities for economic development, revitalizing historic commercial buildings, and stimulating investment within  properties in Meredith, NH. Building economic growth within the community. The committee members of the […]